Papineau's Health Diary

How To Stay Healthy And Fit

How To Reduce Cystic Acne On Your Back

Do you feel reluctant to remove your clothes at the pool because you are embarrassed with your cystic acne on your chest and back?

As many of you've experienced, you probably have cystic acne on almost every part of your body, particularly your chest, shoulder and back. Usually, due to the inflammation, you feel a lot of pain on these areas to the extent that touching them is not encouraged. As a result, your everyday activities are interrupted, and your self-esteem hits rock bottom.

You should keep your hands away from the cystic acne and never poke it. Since it is deeper in the skin, there is no remedy that can speed up your recovery time. Some may think they will see results with Claro blue light electronic acne removal device but I don't think you see much improvement. Trying to break an acne cyst will affect the surrounding tissues that are healthy.

You may want to check on the foods you're eating. Making the right food choices can ease the inflammation. On the contrary, some foods can cause inflammation which will not be beneficial for your cystic acne.

Another good choice is to limit sun exposure. In the past, doctors recommended sunlamp therapy for those with severe acne. Obviously, today we are better educated and we have stopping using it.


However, some people still believe in tanning to get rid of acne. If you see any improvement after tanning, the effect will not last long. The fact is that tanning will just make your acne worse and darken acne scars.